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What Does Air Conditioning Service Actually Cover?

Your AC puts up with a lot throughout the year, so then it needs air conditioning service–but it’s a fairly broad term and you’re not sure exactly what it entails.

Let’s explain what air conditioning service is, what you can expect from it, and how it helps you maintain your air conditioner so it doesn’t break down on you quite so often.

It Means Any Service Your AC Needs

Air conditioning service just means any service your AC needs, though it’s most commonly used when referring to AC maintenance. If you’ve seen an ad, direct mail, or read other blogs about air conditioning, it was likely poised as maintenance services. Since it mostly refers to maintenance, that’s what we’re going to discuss.

Annual Preventative Maintenance

It’s impossible to prevent 100% of all bad things from happening to your air conditioner, but it doesn’t mean you can hedge the odds in your favor. That’s what maintenance does–prevents problems from springing up as much as possible, so you’re faced with fewer repairs. During a maintenance appointment, your technician will:

  • Inspect the refrigerant lines in your AC
  • Lubricate all moving parts for better efficiency
  • Test power consumption and total energy draw
  • Clean off the condenser coil
  • Flush out anything stuck in your condensate draining line
  • Check belts and all moving parts for signs of wear and tear

That’s just a little bit of what technicians do during a maintenance appointment. It all depends on your specific system, needs, and how long it’s been since your last maintenance visit.

Safety Checks

Your air conditioner could be a safety hazard if it hasn’t had maintenance in a long time. Many of the problems your AC can run into (or cause) look like this.

  • Refrigerant Leaks: Refrigerant leaks can be fatal to humans and pets. While this normally doesn’t leak into your home, it’s still possible. It can also release fumes into the air you breathe. Ultimately, refrigerant leaks can cause major AC breakdowns.
  • Air Quality Concerns: Your indoor air quality is important to your overall health. When your AC isn’t filtering out dust and debris through the air intake filter, it can lead to health concerns.
  • Electrical Fire Hazards: The wiring in your air conditioner can get hot, and in some cases, components can try to pull too much power through them. The plastic casing on the wires begins to melt, and it can spark a fire. Thankfully, this is usually something you can detect if you notice a faint burning smell in the air, then you can call for emergency repair before it escalates.

It’s important to run AC maintenance for efficiency’s sake, but it’s also crucial to maintain safety for your family.

Get AC Service Now

Air conditioning service is normally referred to as maintenance, so now you just have to ask yourself: do you have annual maintenance in place? If it’s not scheduled, there’s no time like the present to hop on this problem before it really inconveniences you.

Contact Synergy3 today to schedule your air conditioner service as soon as possible.